ah! the things a mind can conjure...

Friday, June 04, 2004

Is Science Living up to itself?

Ever heard of the Piltdown man?
In 1912 a team of archeologists & excavators led by Dr.Dawson found pieces of skull in a quarry in Piltdown in England.... later in the year they found more tooth and bones...they carefully assembled it.... to make what was the missing link in Darwin’s theory.

Darwin had long killed Adam & Eve- he had told us we humans were from monkeys.... a bitter but real theory.... Darwin’s theory had but one missing link. Man couldn’t have been born to a monkey overnight.... he must have slowly evolved, like the monkey to man pictures we have seen in science books. But till early 20th century, no one had excavated any fossils proving the theory...

Dawson's team had had found the missing link- they called him the Piltdown man Eoanthropus dawsoni , they assembled him carefully and showed him off to the world as the monkey-man...the more recent ancestor.... that too, when imperial England was spreading its power across the world, they had the affirmation they wanted- our ancestor was British & hence they had all the rights to all humans in the world...

In 1950s, long after The Piltdown man came into science textbooks and even discoverer Dawson had expired, a group of scientists figured Piltdown Man was a hoax.... the recent developments in science had helped newer tests to estimate dates for the pieces of Piltdown man & they proved that it was all a bloody hoax.... the biggest of science's hoaxes...

My submission is as follows: Science is essentially a logic based belief system...you believed in all that science told you because it had enough support.... but what has happened over a periods of time is, our belief in science has become so blind that we believe anything science tells us.... For a subject that stood for beating the superstitions, has it become a birthplace of superstitions & blind faith itself?

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Is GOD losing control?

I was reading a weekly a few days ago.... the cover story was "Does God Exist?"...The entire story revolved around a scientist in the US who used various mathematical theories to figure the existence of God...He then had deduced that there is a 68.8% chance that God exists....

He had given weightages for events in history and figured which ones were comprehendible by modern science and those that were not. He then gave weightages to events & made a statistical measure to arrive at the figure.

My submission is, If the same study had been done a few decades ago, the probability of god existing would have been 90% plus...and if it is done a few years later, the chances that he exists would surely be lesser.

I would suggest, God has been slowly losing his control on humans. When science was unknown, and humans did not know what caused any event or occurance, they gave God the credit. Catastrophes and miracles have played equal roles in people’s minds in driving the faith.... the faith that had risen from the fact that they couldn’t figure who was responsible. The only unknown and unseen entity was GOD...

As days progress and humans unearth secrets and superstitions, slowly God is being stripped off his powers. Today everyone knows that if there’s a crash, it didn’t happen because God willed so, but it crashed because of a technical flaw....
I can see God and Science as two employees in an organisation...God the older one, with all the experience doing all the work...Science the new & younger one has come in and is slowly making the management believe that he is actually the one who can or who should be working on many of the projects that God once handled.... the management (humans) are moving most projects to Science, except for the ones which they think Science does not understand

God will soon be left to just his biggest core competency- the power behind life and death. The two Big unpredictable and undecodable events.... or will Science soon strip him off his biggest strength too?

We’ll have to wait and watch...

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